The evolution of winter sport: looking ahead to 2024

The evolution of winter sport: Anticipating 2024 - HawaiiSurf

Léa Gourdin |

The evolution of mountain winter sports is inevitable. Between climate change and the emergence of new technologies, ski resorts have no choice but to adapt to these new developments in order to survive over time.


Weather and climate change: a direct impact on winter sports

With increasingly mild and unpredictable winters, lack of foresight has become a real obstacle for winter sports enthusiasts. Uncertain weather forecasts make life difficult for mountain enthusiasts looking to make the most of the best conditions.

Ski resorts are facing increasing challenges related to snow availability. Advances in snowmaking technologies are becoming crucial, as is the need to find new ways of adapting to climatic variations.

It is becoming imperative to develop systems for collecting, analyzing and interpreting meteorological data in order to better understand the climate trends specific to each region.

Advanced meteorological sensors and real-time monitoring technologies can be integrated to enable a finer assessment of future weather conditions. This precise data is essential for anticipating fluctuations in temperature, precipitation and humidity, all of which have a direct impact on snow quality and availability. Investing in these innovative solutions will help to guarantee optimal skiing conditions despite the vagaries of the weather.

Ecological awareness

Ecological awareness

These climatic changes can only alert us to environmental problems and make us question our habits. This could encourage ski resorts and winter sports enthusiasts to adopt more sustainable practices aimed at minimizing their environmental impact, such as using renewable energies, reducing waste and preserving local ecosystems.

Numerous solutions already exist to address this development in a more reasoned and environmentally-friendly way:

  • Use of sustainable materials for infrastructure.
  • Development of more energy-efficient lifts.
  • Recovery and reuse of meltwater for artificial snowmaking.
  • Implement alternative means of transport to avoid pollution in the resort.

Technological evolution

Technological evolution 

Beyond the use of new technologies in ski resort infrastructures, we can expect continued advances in winter sports equipment technologies. Lighter, more durable and high-performance materials could be developed, as could connected clothing and accessories to enhance comfort.

Some manufacturers already offer equipment to make skiing and snowboarding more enjoyable:

  • Connected ski boots that adapt to the desired level of comfort.
  • Headphones with integrated audio system for listening to your music.
  • Heated clothing to combat the cold at altitude.
  • Gloves with a touchscreen so you can use your smartphone without uncovering your hands. 

Mobile apps and tracking devices could become even more integrated into the winter sports experience, providing real-time information on snow conditions, routes, and allowing users to share their experiences online.


Towards new experiences

As a result of the search for new experiences and diversification, less conventional winter sports destinations could gain in popularity. Winter sports enthusiasts could be looking for more varied experiences outside the traditional slopes:

Off-piste and ski touring

The search for a more authentic connection with the mountains leads many skiers to explore off-piste and ski touring. These activities offer less-frequented itineraries, allowing enthusiasts to escape into pristine, unspoilt landscapes. Ski touring, in particular, offers an immersive experience, where skiers climb the slopes themselves before hurtling down unusual descents.

Freeride and Snowboard

Freeride and snowboarding continue to grow in popularity, attracting those seeking thrills and unexplored playgrounds. Winter sports enthusiasts seek to go beyond the boundaries of the marked trails to discover unconventional descents, mixing adrenaline and exploration.

Events & Festivals

Ski resorts are adapting by organizing more events and festivals. By combining winter sports, music, gastronomy and local culture, these events create an immersive experience. From extreme ski competitions to high-altitude music festivals, these events diversify resorts' offerings and attract a wider audience.

Off-piste and ski touring


Winter ecotourism offers an enriching experience that goes beyond the simple practice of winter sports. By encouraging respectful interaction with nature and local communities, this approach enables visitors to make a positive contribution to the preservation of mountain ecosystems while fully enjoying the wonders of winter.

Ecological snowshoe trekking
Well-supervised snowshoe excursions allow visitors to explore snow-covered areas while minimizing the ecological footprint.

Ecological cross-country skiing Cross-country skiing on trails specially designed to preserve local flora and fauna offers an environmentally-friendly alternative to more traditional downhill runs.

Winter birdwatching 

Birdwatching trails adapted to the winter season allow visitors to appreciate bird diversity without disturbing natural habitats.

Introduction to Local Fauna 

Educational activities focusing on local wildlife, such as animal-tracking excursions, contribute to an understanding and appreciation of winter ecosystems.

Eco-friendly accommodation 

Accommodation establishments are committed to eco-responsible practices, offering visitors the chance to stay in environmentally-friendly accommodation. 


These forecasts, based on current trends, underline the crucial importance of a dynamic and constantly evolving winter sports industry to meet the changing needs of enthusiasts. Collaboration between industry players, ongoing research and innovation are essential to ensure a successful transition to a sustainable future for mountain winter sports.

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