Which ski mask screen to choose?

Choosing the right ski goggle shield is essential to ensure good visibility and optimum comfort during your outings in the mountains. There are different types of screen to suit every weather condition, as well as every type of skiing or snowboarding. In this article, we help you understand the different technologies and features to guide you in your choice.

Criteria to consider when choosing a ski mask screen

  • Lens type: there are cylindrical, spherical and toric lenses, each offering a different vision.
  • Glass treatment: specific coatings such as mirror or polarized improve contrast and reduce glare.
  • Protection categories: screens are categorized from 0 to 4 according to their level of UV protection and visible light filtration.
  • Size and compatibility: make sure the screen of your choice fits your ski mask and your body perfectly.

Understanding different screen technologies

Chromatic, Reactiv, Prism, OTG, Take Off, Frameless... What do these terms mean?

Deciphering these technical terms is essential to making the right choice:

  • Chromatic: this is a photochromic lens technology that adapts its tint according to light intensity.
  • Reactiv: this technology also enables the lens to adapt to ambient light, for optimized vision.
  • Prism: this lens coating enhances contrast and relief perception, ideal for low-light conditions.
  • OTG (Over The Glasses): these screens are designed to be worn over prescription glasses.
  • Take Off: some ski goggles feature an interchangeable screen system for easy adaptation to different weather conditions.
  • Frameless: these ski goggles are rimless for a wider field of vision.

Choosing the right screen is essential, whether you're skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing or freeriding.

Adapting your screen to the weather

Depending on weather conditions, different types of screens may be recommended:

  • For sunny days, opt for a category 3 or 4 screen, which offers maximum UV protection and reduced glare.
  • On overcast or foggy days, opt for a category 1 or 2 screen to improve visibility and contrast.
  • For changeable days, chromatic or reactiv photochromic screens are ideal, as they automatically adjust to light conditions.

Comfort first

Don't forget that ski goggles need to be comfortable and stay in place all day long. To achieve this:

  • Make sure the mask's ventilation system is efficient to prevent the screen from fogging up.
  • Check that the width of the elastic band is adjustable for optimum fit on your ski helmet.
  • Try out different mask shapes and sizes to find the one that best suits your facial morphology.

To choose the right ski mask screen, it's important to take into account the different lens technologies available, as well as the categories of protection adapted to each weather condition. Don't hesitate to try out different models to find the goggle that offers the best comfort and visibility for your mountain outings.