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Explore the fun of surfing in complete safety with our softboards. Designed for fun and peace of mind, these foam boards offer stability and fun. Perfect for all surfers!

(31 products)

Explore the fun of surfing in complete safety with our softboards. Designed for fun and peace of mind, these foam boards offer stability and fun. Perfect for all surfers!

Ride the Wave with Lightness and Style

Foam surfboards are revolutionizing the surfing world, offering the perfect combination of safety, fun and performance. At HawaiiSurf, we're proud to offer you a hand-picked selection of the best brands on the market: Softech, Catch Surfand MDNS. Whether you're a beginner looking for your first wave, or an experienced surfer in search of fun on the water, our foam surfboards are designed for all levels.

Ideal for beginners and improvers

Why choose a foam surfboard? The answer is simple: these boards offer exceptional buoyancy and unparalleled stability, making it easier to start and catch waves. They're also safer, reducing the risk of injury to the surfer and others in the water. They're the perfect choice for those who want to discover the joys of surfing without compromising safety.

Light, strong and eco-friendly

Our partner brands are at the cutting edge of innovation, offering lightweight yet extremely durable boards. They're built to last, while minimizing their environmental impact. These boards are easy to handle, whether you're paddling out to catch a wave or out on the water. Their foam construction also makes them less intimidating for beginners, while offering more experienced surfers the chance to train and have fun in less extreme wave conditions.