Rip Curl Women's Integral 4/3 Wetsuits

(2 products)

Rip curl women's 4/3 neoprene wetsuits are perfect for surfing, wakeboarding, bodyboarding... There's no more season, you can ride all year round! The ripcurl women's 4/3 neoprene suits cooler conditions as well as warmer ones. The coldest among you will be delighted!

Thicker neoprene doesn't mean less comfort! On the contrary, this neoprene remains very stretchy. There are still different types of fasteners: back zip, front zip and free zip. Rip curl normal size. 4/3 neoprene is ideal for all seasons in Europe.

From Biarritz to Tarifa via Siouville, you're in business! Considering the rip curl women's team around the world, Alana Blanchard, Bethany Hamilton, Tyler Wright... you're making a good choice!

For chilly summer days, switch to the lighter, more flexible women's 3/2 wetsuit, suitable from May to September.